Johnson - Étienne-Alexis Boucher (PQ)
Mégantic-Compton - Johanne Gonthier (PLQ)
Orford - Pierre Reid (PLQ)
Saint-François - Monique Gagnon-Tremblay (PLQ)
Sherbrooke - Jean Charest (PLQ)
You can click on the image to see it in greater detail, and the comparison of results to projection are below.
The PQ won in Johnson as projected, with 40.3% instead of the projected 38.1%.
The PLQ won in Mégantic-Compton as projected, with 45.3% instead of the projected 42.7%.
The PLQ won in Orford as projected, with 43.5% instead of the projected 43.3%. Very close!
The PLQ won in Saint-François as projected, with 47.0% instead of the projected 46.4%.
The PLQ won in Sherbrooke as projected, with 45.2% instead of the projected 45.9%.
Result: 5 for 5 (100%)