The BC Greens have dropped one to 12% while the BC Conservatives are up four to 11%. They seem to have benefited from the lack of options among the two front-runners, as the BC NDP has not been entirely inspiring in the opposition.
Nevertheless, the New Democrats lead in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island, but are running neck-and-neck with the BC Liberals in the Vancouver suburbs and the BC Interior.
Generally speaking, the opinions British Columbians have of Gordon Campbell and Carole James have been improving. In May, 40% of British Columbians approved of Ms. James' performance as leader of the NDP, while 36% disapproved. Her disapproval rating is unchanged four months later, but her approval rating is up a little to 42%.
Campbell's approval rating was an abysmal 28% in May, while his disapproval rating was at 61%. The gap has narrowed, however, as he now has a 34% approval rating compared to a 57% disapproval rating. Those are still bad numbers, but whereas in May he was far less popular than his own party, he is now slightly more popular. James' rating is also similar to her party's standing. This indicates that neither Campbell nor James is acting as a boon or dead weight for their respective parties.
Unless something radical happens between now and then, the next election in British Columbia will not be held until the spring of 2013.